Our Mission

It's simple: Helping veterans is our mission. Nothing feels better than giving back to those who have given so much for us.

Why We Do It

We are motivated to assist veterans with getting what they need to improve their lives. These motivations stems from our deep understanding of veterans' needs.

Standdown History

The "standdown" became known as a respite from the battlefield for many combat veterans. This same concept has been used since 1988 for helping combat veterans in their civilian lives.

Chicago Standdown History

Chicago Standdown has a long and proud history of serving Chicago area veterans since 1993. We strive to continually grow and improve the quality and variety of services that we make available to veterans.

What We've Accomplished


Veterans have received Chicago Standdown's services at its biannual events


Volunteers stepped up to support the Chicago Standown mission


Vendors have generously provided their services at Chicago Standdown events

Want to help us with supporting the Chicago Standdown mission?

You can either volunteer your time, register your company to provide services at the next Chicago Standdown event, or make a charitable donation.